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313-5BF03-0AB0 Siemens PLC 6ES7 New in box


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313-5BF03-0AB0 Siemens PLC 6ES7 New in box

Siemens PLC 6ES7 313-5BF03-0AB0
Product Description:
General information
Hardware product version 01
Firmware version V2.6
Engineering with
Programming package STEP 7 V5.3 SP2 or higher with HW update
Supply voltage
24 V DC Yes
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 20.4 V
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V
External protection for supply cables (recommendation) Miniature circuit breaker, type C; min 2 A; miniature circuit breaker type B, min. 4 A
Load voltage L+
Rated value (DC) 24 V
permissible range, lower limit (DC) 20.4 V
permissible range, upper limit (DC) 28.8 V
Digital inputs
Load voltage L+
Rated value (DC) 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Digital outputs
Load voltage L+
Rated value (DC) 24 V
Reverse polarity protection No
Analog outputs
Load voltage L+
Rated value (DC) 24 V
Reverse polarity protection Yes
Input current
Current consumption (rated value) 700 mA
Current consumption (in no-load operation), typ. 150 mA
Inrush current, typ. 11 A
I²t 0.7 A²·s
from supply voltage L+, max. 700 mA
Digital inputs
from load voltage L+ (without load), max. 70 mA
Digital outputs
from load voltage L+, max. 100 mA
Power losses
Power loss, typ. 14 W
Work memory
integrated 64 kbyte
expandable No
Load memory
pluggable (MMC) Yes
pluggable (MMC), max. 8 Mbyte
Data management on MMC (after last programming), min. 10 a
present Yes; Guaranteed by MMC (maintenance-free)
without battery Yes; Program and data
CPU processing times
for bit operations, min. 0.1 µs
for bit operations, max. 0.2 µs
for word operations, min. 0.2 µs
for fixed point arithmetic, min. 2 µs
for floating point arithmetic, min. 3 µs
Number of blocks (total) 1024; (DBs, FCs, FBs); the maximum number of loadable blocks can be reduced by the MMC used.
Number, max. 511; Number range: 1 to 511
Size, max. 16 kbyte
Number, max. 1024; Number range: 0 to 2047
Size, max. 16 kbyte
Number, max. 1024; Number range: 0 to 2047
Size, max. 16 kbyte
Size, max. 16 kbyte
Number of free cycle OBs 1; OB 1
Number of time alarm OBs 1; OB 10
Number of delay alarm OBs 1; OB 20
Number of time interrupt OBs 1; OB 35
Number of process alarm OBs 1; OB 40
Number of startup OBs 1; OB 100
Number of asynchronous error OBs 4; OB 80, 82, 85, 87
Number of synchronous error OBs 2; OB 121, 122
Nesting depth
per priority class 8
additional within an error OB 4
Counters, timers and their retentivity
S7 counter
Number 256
of which retentive without battery
adjustable Yes
lower limit 0
upper limit 255
preset 8
adjustable Yes
lower limit 0
upper limit 255
preset 8
Counting range
lower limit 0
upper limit 999
IEC counter
present Yes
Type SFB
Number Unlimited (limited only by RAM capacity)
S7 times
Number 256
of which retentive without battery
adjustable Yes
lower limit 0
upper limit 255
adjustable Yes
lower limit 0
upper limit 255
preset No retentivity
Time range
lower limit 10 ms
upper limit 9990 s
IEC timer
present Yes
Type SFB
Number Unlimited (limited only by RAM capacity)
Data areas and their retentivity
retentive data area, total all
Number, max. 256 byte
Retentivity available Yes; MB 0 to MB 255
Retentivity preset MB 0 to MB 15
Number of clock memories 8; 1 memory byte
Data blocks
Number, max. 511; from DB1 to DB511
Size, max. 16 kbyte
Retentivity adjustable Yes; via non-retain property on DB
Retentivity preset Yes
Local data
per priority class, max. 510 byte
Address area
I/O address area
Inputs 1 kbyte
Outputs 1 kbyte
Process image
Inputs 128 byte
Outputs 128 byte
Default addresses of the integrated channels
Digital inputs 124,0 to 126,7
Digital outputs 124.0 to 125.7
Analog inputs 752 to 761
Analog outputs 752 to 755
Digital channels
Inputs 1016
Outputs 1008
Inputs, of which central 1016
Outputs, of which central 1008
Analog channels
Inputs 253
Outputs 250
Inputs, of which central 253
Outputs, of which central 250
Hardware configuration
Racks, max. 4
Modules per rack, max. 8; In rack 3 max. 7
Expansion devices, max. 3
Number of DP masters
integrated none
via CP 4
Number of operable FMs and CPs (recommended)
FM 8
CP, point-to-point 8
Time of day
Hardware clock (real-time clock) Yes
battery-backed and synchronizable Yes
Deviation per day, max. 10 s
Backup time 6 wk; At 40 °C ambient temperature
Operating hours counter
Number 1
Number/Number range 0
Range of values 0 to 2^31 hours (when using SFC 101)
Granularity 1 hour
retentive Yes; Must be restarted at each restart
Clock synchronization
supported Yes
to MPI, master Yes
to MPI, slave Yes
in AS, master Yes
Digital inputs
Number/binary inputs 24
of which, inputs usable for technological functions 12
integrated channels (DI) 24
Input characteristic curve acc. to IEC 61131, Type 1 Yes
Number of simultaneously controllable inputs
horizontal installation
up to 40 °C, max. 24
up to 60 °C, max. 12
vertical installation
up to 40 °C, max. 12
Technological functions
shielded, max. 100 m
Unshielded, max. not allowed
Standard DI
shielded, max. 1000 m
Unshielded, max. 600 m
Input voltage
Rated value, DC 24 V
for signal "0" -3 to +5 V
for signal "1" 15 to 30 V
Input current
for signal "1", typ. 9 mA
Input delay (for rated value of input voltage)
for standard inputs
Parameterizable Yes; 0.1 / 0.3 / 3 / 15 ms
Rated value 3 ms
for counter/technological functions
at "0" to "1", max. 16 µs
Cable length
Cable length, shielded, max. 1000 m; 100 m for technological functions
Cable length unshielded, max. 600 m; For technological functions: No
Digital outputs
Number/binary outputs 16
of which high-speed outputs 4
integrated channels (DO) 16
Functionality/short-circuit strength Yes; Clocked electronically
Response threshold, typ. 1 A
Limitation of inductive shutdown voltage to L+ (-48 V)
Lamp load, max. 5 W
Controlling a digital input Yes
Load resistance range
lower limit 48 Ω
upper limit 4 kΩ
Output voltage
for signal "1", min. L+ (-0.8 V)
Output current
for signal "1" rated value 500 mA
for signal "1" permissible range, min. 5 mA
for signal "1" permissible range, max. 0.6 A
for signal "1" minimum load current 5 mA
for signal "0" residual current, max. 0.5 mA
Parallel switching of 2 outputs
for increased power No
for redundant control of a load Yes
Switching frequency
with resistive load, max. 100 Hz
with inductive load, max. 0.5 Hz
on lamp load, max. 100 Hz
of the pulse outputs, with resistive load, max. 2.5 kHz
Aggregate current of outputs (per group)
horizontal installation
up to 40 °C, max. 3 A
up to 60 °C, max. 2 A
vertical installation
up to 40 °C, max. 2 A
Cable length
Cable length, shielded, max. 1000 m
Cable length unshielded, max. 600 m
Analog inputs
Integrated channels (AI) 4+1
Number of analog inputs for voltage/current measurement 4
Number of analog inputs for resistance/resistance thermometer measurement 1
permissible input frequency for current input (destruction limit), max. 5 V; Permanent
permissible input voltage for voltage input (destruction limit), max. 30 V; Permanent
permissible input current for voltage input (destruction limit), max. 0.5 mA; Permanent
permissible input current for current input (destruction limit), max. 50 mA; Permanent
Technical unit for temperature measurement adjustable Yes; Degrees Celsius / degrees Fahrenheit / Kelvin
Input ranges
Current Yes
Resistance thermometer Yes; Pt 100 / 10 M?
Resistance Yes
Input ranges (rated values), voltages
0 to +10 V Yes
Input resistance (0 to 10 V) 100 kΩ
Input ranges (rated values), currents
0 to 20 mA Yes
Input resistance (0 to 20 mA) 100 Ω
-20 to +20 mA Yes
Input resistance (-20 to +20 mA) 100 Ω
4 to 20 mA Yes
Input resistance (4 to 20 mA) 100 Ω
Input ranges (rated values), resistance thermometers
Pt 100 Yes
Input resistance (Pt 100) 10 MΩ
Input ranges (rated values), resistors
No-Load voltage, typ. 2.5 V
Measured current, typ. 1.8 to 3.3 mA
0 to 600 ohms Yes
Input resistance (0 to 600 ohms) 10 MΩ
Thermocouple (TC)
Temperature compensation
Parameterizable No
Resistance thermometer (RTD)
Characteristic linearization
for resistance thermometer Pt 100
Characteristic linearization
Parameterizable Yes; by software
Cable length
Cable length, shielded, max. 100 m
Analog outputs
Integrated channels (AO) 2
Number of analog outputs 2
Voltage output, short-circuit protection Yes
Voltage output, short-circuit current, max. 55 mA
Current output, no-load voltage, max. 17 V
Output ranges, voltage
0 to 10 V Yes
-10 to +10 V Yes
Output ranges, current
0 to 20 mA Yes
-20 to +20 mA Yes
4 to 20 mA Yes
Connection of actuators
for voltage output 2-conductor connection Yes; Without compensation of the line resistances
for voltage output 4-conductor connection No
for current output 2-conductor connection Yes
Load impedance (in rated range of output)
with voltage outputs, min. 1 kΩ
with voltage outputs, capacitive load, max. 0.1 µF
with current outputs, max. 300 Ω
with current outputs, inductive load, max. 0.1 mH
Destruction limits against externally applied voltages and currents
Voltages at the outputs towards MANA 16 V; Permanent
Current, max. 50 mA; Permanent
Cable length
Cable length, shielded, max. 200 m
Analog value creation
Measurement principle Actual value encryption (successive approximation)
Integrations and conversion time/ resolution per channel
Resolution with overrange (bit including sign), max. 12 bit
Integration time, parameterizable Yes; 2.5 / 16.6 / 20 ms
permissible input frequency, max. 400 Hz
Interference voltage suppression for interference frequency f1 in Hz 400 / 60 / 50 Hz
Conversion time (per channel) 1 ms
Time constant of the input filter 0.38 ms
Basic execution time of the module (all channels released) 1 ms
Settling time
for resistive load 0.6 ms
for capacitive load 1 ms
for inductive load 0.5 ms
Connection of signal encoders
for voltage measurement Yes
for current measurement as 2-wire transducer Yes; with external supply
for current measurement as 4-wire transducer Yes
for resistance measurement with 2-conductor connection Yes; Without compensation of the line resistances
for resistance measurement with 3-conductor connection No
for resistance measurement with 4-conductor connection No
Connectable encoders
2-wire sensor Yes
Permissible quiescent current (2-wire sensor), max. 1.5 mA
Temperature error (relative to input area) +/- 0,006 %/K
Crosstalk between the inputs, min. 60 dB
Repeat accuracy in settled status at 25 °C (relative to input area) +/- 0,06 %
Output ripple (based on output area, bandwidth 0 to 50 kHz) +/- 0,1 %
Linearity error (relative to output area) +/- 0,15 %
Temperature error (relative to output area) +/- 0,01 %/K
Crosstalk between the outputs, min. 60 dB
Repeat accuracy in settled status at 25 °C (relative to output area) +/- 0,06 %
Operational limit in overall temperature range
Voltage, relative to input area +/- 1 %
Current, relative to input area +/- 1 %
Impedance, relative to input area +/- 5 %
Voltage, relative to output area +/- 1 %
Current, relative to output area +/- 1 %
Basic error limit (operational limit at 25 °C)
Voltage, relative to input area +/- 0,7 %; Linearity error +/- 0.06 %
Current, relative to input area +/- 0,7 %; Linearity error +/- 0.06 %
Impedance, relative to input area +/- 3 %; Linearity error +/- 0.2%
Resistance-type thermometer, relative to input area +/- 3 %
Voltage, relative to output area +/- 0,7 %
Current, relative to output area +/- 0,7 %
Interference voltage suppression for f = n x (fl +/- 1%), fl = interference frequency
Series mode interference (peak value of interference < rated value of input range), min. 30 dB
Common mode interference, min. 40 dB
Number of USB interfaces 0
Number of parallel interfaces 0
Number of 20 mA interfaces (TTY) 0
Number of RS 232 interfaces 0
Number of RS 422 interfaces 0
Number of other interfaces 0
Cable length, max. 50 m; without repeater
1st interface
Type of interface Integrated RS 485 interface
Physics RS 485
Isolated No
Power supply to interface (15 to 30 V DC), max. 200 mA
DP master No
DP slave No
Point-to-point connection No
Number of connections 8
PG/OP communication Yes
Routing No
Global data communication Yes
S7 basic communication Yes
S7 communication Yes
S7 communication, as client No
S7 communication, as server Yes
Transmission rate, max. 187.5 kbit/s
Communication functions
PG/OP communication Yes
Global data communication
supported Yes
Number of GD loops, max. 4
Number of GD packets, max. 4
Number of GD packets, transmitter, max. 4
Number of GD packets, receiver, max. 4
Size of GD packets, max. 22 byte
Size of GD packet (of which consistent), max. 22 byte
S7 basic communication
supported Yes
User data per job, max. 76 byte
User data per job (of which consistent), max. 76 byte; 76 bytes (with X_SEND or X_RCV); 64 bytes (with X_PUT or X_GET as server)
S7 communication
supported Yes
as server Yes
as client Yes; Via CP and loadable FB
User data per job, max. 180 byte; With PUT/GET
User data per job (of which consistent), max. 64 byte
S5-compatible communication
supported Yes; via CP and loadable FC
Number of connections
overall 8
usable for PG communication 7
reserved for PG communication 1
Adjustable for PG communication, min. 1
Adjustable for PG communication, max. 7
usable for OP communication 7
reserved for OP communication 1
adjustable for OP communication, min. 1
adjustable for OP communication, max. 7
usable for S7 basic communication 4
Reserved for S7 basic communication 0
adjustable for S7 basic communication, min. 0
adjustable for S7 basic communication, max. 4
usable for routing No
S7 message functions
Number of login stations for message functions, max. 8; Depending on the configured connections for PG/OP and S7 basic communication
Process diagnostic messages Yes
simultaneously active Alarm-S blocks, max. 20
Test commissioning functions
Status/control variable Yes
Variables Inputs, outputs, memory bits, DB, times, counters
Number of variables, max. 30
of which status variables, max. 30
of which control variables, max. 14
Forcing Yes
Force, variables Inputs, outputs
Number of variables, max. 10
Status block Yes
Single step Yes
Number of breakpoints 2
Diagnostic buffer
present Yes
Number of entries, max. 100
Interrupts/diagnostics/status information
Diagnostics indication LED
Status indicator digital output (green) Yes
Status indicator digital input (green) Yes
Integrated Functions
Number of counters 3; 3 channels (see "Technological Functions" manual)
Counter frequency (counter) max. 30 kHz
Frequency measurement Yes
Number of frequency meters 3; 3 channels up to max. 30 kHz (see "Technological Functions" manual)
controlled positioning No
Integrated function blocks (closed-loop control) Yes; PID controller (see "Technological Functions" manual)
PID controller Yes
Number of pulse outputs 3; 3 channels pulse width modulation up to max. 2.5 kHz (see "Technological Functions" manual)
Limit frequency (pulse) 2.5 kHz
Galvanic isolation
Galvanic isolation digital inputs
Galvanic isolation digital inputs Yes
between the channels No
between the channels and the backplane bus Yes
Galvanic isolation digital outputs
Galvanic isolation digital outputs Yes
between the channels Yes
between the channels, in groups of 8
between the channels and the backplane bus Yes
Galvanic isolation analog inputs
Galvanic isolation analog inputs Yes; common for analog I/O
between the channels No
between the channels and the backplane bus Yes
Galvanic isolation analog outputs
Galvanic isolation analog outputs Yes; common for analog I/O
between the channels No
between the channels and the backplane bus Yes
Permissible potential difference
between different circuits 75 VDC / 60 VAC
between inputs and MANA (UCM) 8.0 V DC
between MANA and M internally (UISO) 75 VDC / 60 VAC
Isolation checked with 600 V DC
Configuration software
STEP 7 Yes; V5.3 SP2 with HW update
Programming language
HiGraph® Yes
Command set see instruction list
Nesting levels 8
Software libraries
System functions (SFC) see instruction list
System function blocks (SFB) see instruction list
Know-how protection
User program protection/password protection Yes
Width 120 mm
Height 125 mm
Depth 130 mm
Weight, approx. 660 g



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