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G7T-112S DC24 Relay NEW


G7T-112S DC24 Relay NEW
  • Market price: $ 29.7
  • Shop price: $ 9.0
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G7T-112S DC24 OMRON Relay NEW

 Product Description:

The G7 has the world's first 400V 3-level inverter architecture that eliminates or minimises the installation problems associated with IGBT switching (very long cable lengths, bearing currents and common-mode currents) and protects the entire motor-drive system. The G7 can be programmed using DriveWorksEZ™. This is a PC-based, object-orientated, user-friendly, graphical icon programming tool.

3-level control reduces voltage peaks on motor windings by up to 50%. There is no need for an AC reactor on long motor cables.

Flux-vector control. Excellent performance in open-loop mode with 150% torque at 0.3Hz.

Silent operation. No current de-rating in silent mode (high carrier frequency)

Wide selection of option cards: fieldbus, PLC unit, Mechatrolink, analogue and digital I/Os, etc.

Programming software: CX-drive for parameter configuration.



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