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R4750C1023 AZBIL Combustion Controller NEW


R4750C1023 AZBIL Combustion Controller NEW
  • Market price: $ 3078.9
  • Shop price: $ 933.0
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R4750C1023 AZBIL Combustion Controller NEW

Product Description:

R4750B / C medium-sized gas combustion devices, combustion safety controller can control the heat 580KW / h following combustion devices, incendiary devices and automatic ignition control and safety monitoring. The structural design of the product and component reliability to ensure that the combustion devicethe correct sequence of operations

(1)combination of flame monitoring: C7007A, C7008A/C7027A, C7035A

(2)Power consumption: 7W +25% max

(3)Environment temperature: -20 ~ +60 ° C

(4) Environment Humidity: 90% RH, 40 ° C

(5)fire / alarm indicator: Always - normal combustion shiny - the normal combustion: the de-fire ignition process: ignition failure

R4750C1023 AZBIL Combustion Controller NEW

Product Description:

R4750B / C medium-sized gas combustion devices, combustion safety controller can control the heat 580KW / h following combustion devices, incendiary devices and automatic ignition control and safety monitoring. The structural design of the product and component reliability to ensure that the combustion devicethe correct sequence of operations

(1)combination of flame monitoring: C7007A, C7008A/C7027A, C7035A

(2)Power consumption: 7W +25% max

(3)Environment temperature: -20 ~ +60 ° C

(4) Environment Humidity: 90% RH, 40 ° C

(5)fire / alarm indicator: Always - normal combustion shiny - the normal combustion: the de-fire ignition process: ignition failure


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