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AFP0RC14RS Panasonic FP0R-C14RS PLC CPU 24VDC Power 8DI 6DO Relay New Original 1 Year Warranty


AFP0RC14RS  Panasonic FP0R-C14RS PLC CPU 24VDC Power 8DI 6DO Relay New Original 1 Year Warranty
  • Market price: $ 326.7
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FP0R-C14 AFP0RC14RS Panasonic PLC 24 V DC 8 input points 6 Relay output points FP0R Control Unit Original New


Industry's First Battery-less automatic backup of all dataMulti-axis (4-axis) control is available without expansion units.Equipped with RS485 portFastest in its class Ultra-high speed processingLarge capacity independent comment memoryUSB tool port provided as standard equipmentFull-fledged positioning functionsLargest in its class Large capacity program

Performance specifications (FP0R Control units)

Product type of FP0R control unit

(Relay output type only)

(Relay output type only)

(Transistor output type only)

Programming method / Control method

Relay symbol / Cyclic operation

Number of
I/O points

No expansion
(Control unit only)

10 points
[Input: 6,
Relay output: 4]

14 points
[Input: 8,
Relay output: 6]

16 points
[Input: 8,
Transistor output: 8]

With expansion 1
* Same type of control
and expansion units

Max. 58 points

Max. 62 points

Max. 112 points

With expansion 2
* Mix type of relay
and transistor units

Max. 106 points

Max. 110 points

Max. 112 points

Program memory

EEPROM (no backup battery required)

Program capacity

16 k steps

Number of


110 approx.


210 approx.

Operation speed

Up to 3,000 steps

Basic instructions: 0.08 μs Min. Timer instructions: 2.2 μs Min.
High-level instructions: 0.32 μs (MV instruction) Min.

3,001st and later steps

Basic instructions: 0.58 μs Min. Timer instructions: 3.66 μs Min.
High-level instructions: 1.62 μs (MV instruction) Min.



relay (R)

4,096 points

Timer / Counter
(T / C)

1,024 points

Memory area

Data register (DT)

12,315 words

Index register (IX, IY)

14 words (IO to ID)

Master control relay points (MCR)

256 words

Number of labels (JMP and LOOP)

256 labels

Differential points

Equivalent to the program capacity

Number of step ladder

1,000 stages

Number of subroutines

500 subroutines


High speed counter

Single-phase: 6 points (50 kHz max. each) 2-phase: 3 channels (15 kHz max. each)*

Pulse output

Not available

4 points (50 kHz max. each) Two channels can be controlled individually.*

PWM output

Not available

4 points (6 Hz to 4.8 kHz)

Pulse catch input
/ interrupt input

Total 8 points (with high speed counter)

Interrupt program

Input: 8 programs (6 programs for C10 only)
/ Periodic: 1 program / Pulse match: 4 programs/td>

Periodical interrupt

In units of 0.5 ms: 0.5 ms to 1.5 sec. / In units of 10 ms: 10 ms to 30 sec.

Constant scan

In units of 0.5 ms: 0.5 ms to 600 ms

RS232C port

One RS232C port is mounted on each of C10CRS, C10CRM, C14CRS, C14CRM, C16CT, C16CP, C32CT, C32CP, T32CT, T32CP, F32CT and F32CP type
(3P terminal block) Transmission speed (Baud rate): 2,400 to 115,200 bits/s, Transmission distance: 15 m 9.8 ft. Communication method: half duplex

RS485 port

One RS485 port is mounted on each of C10MRS, C14MRS, C16MT, C16MP, C32MT, C32MP, T32MT, T32MP, F32MT and F32MP type(3P terminal block)
Transmission speed (Baud rate): 115.2 kbps (It is possible to change to 19.2 kbps by the setting.), Transmission distance: 1,200 m 3,937 ft, Communication method: half duplex



Program and
system register

Stored program and system register in EEPROM


Stored fixed area in EEPROM
Counter: 16 points
Internal relay: 128 points
Data register: 315 words


Watchdog timer (690 ms approx.), Program syntax check

Real-time clock

Not available

Other functions

Rewriting in RUN mode, Download in RUN mode (incl. comments),
8-character password setting, and Program upload protection

Product type of FP0R control unit

(Transistor output type only)

(Transistor output type only)

(Transistor output type only)

Programming method / Control method

Relay symbol / Cyclic operation

Number of
I/O points

No expansion
(Control unit only)

32 points
[Input: 16, Transistor output: 16]

32 points
[Input: 16, Transistor output: 16]

With expansion 1
* Same type of control
and expansion units

Max. 128 points

Max. 128 points

With expansion 2
* Mix type of relay
and transistor units

Max. 128 points

Max. 128 points

Program memory

EEPROM (no backup battery required)

Program capacity

32 k steps

Number of


110 approx.


210 approx.

Operation speed

Up to 3,000 steps

Basic instructions: 0.08 μs Min. Timer instructions: 2.2 μs Min.
High-level instructions: 0.32 μs (MV instruction) Min.

3,001st and later steps

Basic instructions: 0.58 μs Min. Timer instructions: 3.66 μs Min.
High-level instructions: 1.62 μs (MV instruction) Min.



relay (R)

4,096 points

Timer / Counter
(T / C)

1,024 points

Memory area

Data register (DT)

32,765 words

Index register (IX, IY)

14 words (IO to ID)

Master control relay points (MCR)

256 words

Number of labels (JMP and LOOP)

256 labels

Differential points

Equivalent to the program capacity

Number of step ladder

1,000 stages

Number of subroutines

500 subroutines


High speed counter

Single-phase: 6 points (50 kHz max. each) 2-phase: 3 channels (15 kHz max. each)*

Pulse output

4 points (50 kHz max. each) Two channels can be controlled individually.*

PWM output

4 points (6 Hz to 4.8 kHz)

Pulse catch input
/ interrupt input

Total 8 points (with high speed counter)

Interrupt program

Input: 8 programs (6 programs for C10 only)
/ Periodic: 1 program / Pulse match: 4 programs/td>

Periodical interrupt

In units of 0.5 ms: 0.5 ms to 1.5 sec. / In units of 10 ms: 10 ms to 30 sec.

Constant scan

In units of 0.5 ms: 0.5 ms to 600 ms

RS232C port

One RS232C port is mounted on each of C10CRS, C10CRM, C14CRS, C14CRM, C16CT, C16CP, C32CT, C32CP, T32CT, T32CP, F32CT and F32CP type
(3P terminal block) Transmission speed (Baud rate): 2,400 to 115,200 bits/s, Transmission distance: 15 m 9.8 ft. Communication method: half duplex

RS485 port

One RS485 port is mounted on each of C10MRS, C14MRS, C16MT, C16MP, C32MT, C32MP, T32MT, T32MP, F32MT and F32MP type(3P terminal block)
Transmission speed (Baud rate): 115.2 kbps (It is possible to change to 19.2 kbps by the setting.), Transmission distance: 1,200 m 3,937 ft, Communication method: half duplex



Program and
system register

Stored program and system register in EEPROM


Stored fixed area in EEPROM
Counter: 16 points
Internal relay: 128 points
Data register: 315 words

Backup of the entire area by FeRAM
(without the need for a battery)


Backup of the entire area by a built-in secondary battery



Watchdog timer (690 ms approx.), Program syntax check

Real-time clock

Not available


Not available

Other functions

Rewriting in RUN mode, Download in RUN mode (incl. comments),
8-character password setting, and Program upload protection

* For the limitations while operating units, see the manual.

FP0R-C14 AFP0RC14RS Panasonic PLC 24 V DC 8 input points 6 Relay output points FP0R Control Unit Original New


Industry's First Battery-less automatic backup of all dataMulti-axis (4-axis) control is available without expansion units.Equipped with RS485 portFastest in its class Ultra-high speed processingLarge capacity independent comment memoryUSB tool port provided as standard equipmentFull-fledged positioning functionsLargest in its class Large capacity program

Performance specifications (FP0R Control units)

Product type of FP0R control unit

(Relay output type only)

(Relay output type only)

(Transistor output type only)

Programming method / Control method

Relay symbol / Cyclic operation

Number of
I/O points

No expansion
(Control unit only)

10 points
[Input: 6,
Relay output: 4]

14 points
[Input: 8,
Relay output: 6]

16 points
[Input: 8,
Transistor output: 8]

With expansion 1
* Same type of control
and expansion units

Max. 58 points

Max. 62 points

Max. 112 points

With expansion 2
* Mix type of relay
and transistor units

Max. 106 points

Max. 110 points

Max. 112 points

Program memory

EEPROM (no backup battery required)

Program capacity

16 k steps

Number of


110 approx.


210 approx.

Operation speed

Up to 3,000 steps

Basic instructions: 0.08 μs Min. Timer instructions: 2.2 μs Min.
High-level instructions: 0.32 μs (MV instruction) Min.

3,001st and later steps

Basic instructions: 0.58 μs Min. Timer instructions: 3.66 μs Min.
High-level instructions: 1.62 μs (MV instruction) Min.



relay (R)

4,096 points

Timer / Counter
(T / C)

1,024 points

Memory area

Data register (DT)

12,315 words

Index register (IX, IY)

14 words (IO to ID)

Master control relay points (MCR)

256 words

Number of labels (JMP and LOOP)

256 labels

Differential points

Equivalent to the program capacity

Number of step ladder

1,000 stages

Number of subroutines

500 subroutines


High speed counter

Single-phase: 6 points (50 kHz max. each) 2-phase: 3 channels (15 kHz max. each)*

Pulse output

Not available

4 points (50 kHz max. each) Two channels can be controlled individually.*

PWM output

Not available

4 points (6 Hz to 4.8 kHz)

Pulse catch input
/ interrupt input

Total 8 points (with high speed counter)

Interrupt program

Input: 8 programs (6 programs for C10 only)
/ Periodic: 1 program / Pulse match: 4 programs/td>

Periodical interrupt

In units of 0.5 ms: 0.5 ms to 1.5 sec. / In units of 10 ms: 10 ms to 30 sec.

Constant scan

In units of 0.5 ms: 0.5 ms to 600 ms

RS232C port

One RS232C port is mounted on each of C10CRS, C10CRM, C14CRS, C14CRM, C16CT, C16CP, C32CT, C32CP, T32CT, T32CP, F32CT and F32CP type
(3P terminal block) Transmission speed (Baud rate): 2,400 to 115,200 bits/s, Transmission distance: 15 m 9.8 ft. Communication method: half duplex

RS485 port

One RS485 port is mounted on each of C10MRS, C14MRS, C16MT, C16MP, C32MT, C32MP, T32MT, T32MP, F32MT and F32MP type(3P terminal block)
Transmission speed (Baud rate): 115.2 kbps (It is possible to change to 19.2 kbps by the setting.), Transmission distance: 1,200 m 3,937 ft, Communication method: half duplex



Program and
system register

Stored program and system register in EEPROM


Stored fixed area in EEPROM
Counter: 16 points
Internal relay: 128 points
Data register: 315 words


Watchdog timer (690 ms approx.), Program syntax check

Real-time clock

Not available

Other functions

Rewriting in RUN mode, Download in RUN mode (incl. comments),
8-character password setting, and Program upload protection

Product type of FP0R control unit

(Transistor output type only)

(Transistor output type only)

(Transistor output type only)

Programming method / Control method

Relay symbol / Cyclic operation

Number of
I/O points

No expansion
(Control unit only)

32 points
[Input: 16, Transistor output: 16]

32 points
[Input: 16, Transistor output: 16]

With expansion 1
* Same type of control
and expansion units

Max. 128 points

Max. 128 points

With expansion 2
* Mix type of relay
and transistor units

Max. 128 points

Max. 128 points

Program memory

EEPROM (no backup battery required)

Program capacity

32 k steps

Number of


110 approx.


210 approx.

Operation speed

Up to 3,000 steps

Basic instructions: 0.08 μs Min. Timer instructions: 2.2 μs Min.
High-level instructions: 0.32 μs (MV instruction) Min.

3,001st and later steps

Basic instructions: 0.58 μs Min. Timer instructions: 3.66 μs Min.
High-level instructions: 1.62 μs (MV instruction) Min.



relay (R)

4,096 points

Timer / Counter
(T / C)

1,024 points

Memory area

Data register (DT)

32,765 words

Index register (IX, IY)

14 words (IO to ID)

Master control relay points (MCR)

256 words

Number of labels (JMP and LOOP)

256 labels

Differential points

Equivalent to the program capacity

Number of step ladder

1,000 stages

Number of subroutines

500 subroutines


High speed counter

Single-phase: 6 points (50 kHz max. each) 2-phase: 3 channels (15 kHz max. each)*

Pulse output

4 points (50 kHz max. each) Two channels can be controlled individually.*

PWM output

4 points (6 Hz to 4.8 kHz)

Pulse catch input
/ interrupt input

Total 8 points (with high speed counter)

Interrupt program

Input: 8 programs (6 programs for C10 only)
/ Periodic: 1 program / Pulse match: 4 programs/td>

Periodical interrupt

In units of 0.5 ms: 0.5 ms to 1.5 sec. / In units of 10 ms: 10 ms to 30 sec.

Constant scan

In units of 0.5 ms: 0.5 ms to 600 ms

RS232C port

One RS232C port is mounted on each of C10CRS, C10CRM, C14CRS, C14CRM, C16CT, C16CP, C32CT, C32CP, T32CT, T32CP, F32CT and F32CP type
(3P terminal block) Transmission speed (Baud rate): 2,400 to 115,200 bits/s, Transmission distance: 15 m 9.8 ft. Communication method: half duplex

RS485 port

One RS485 port is mounted on each of C10MRS, C14MRS, C16MT, C16MP, C32MT, C32MP, T32MT, T32MP, F32MT and F32MP type(3P terminal block)
Transmission speed (Baud rate): 115.2 kbps (It is possible to change to 19.2 kbps by the setting.), Transmission distance: 1,200 m 3,937 ft, Communication method: half duplex



Program and
system register

Stored program and system register in EEPROM


Stored fixed area in EEPROM
Counter: 16 points
Internal relay: 128 points
Data register: 315 words

Backup of the entire area by FeRAM
(without the need for a battery)


Backup of the entire area by a built-in secondary battery



Watchdog timer (690 ms approx.), Program syntax check

Real-time clock

Not available


Not available

Other functions

Rewriting in RUN mode, Download in RUN mode (incl. comments),
8-character password setting, and Program upload protection

* For the limitations while operating units, see the manual.


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