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VH-8Y VIGOR PLC, 8-point relay / transistor output


VH-8Y VIGOR PLC, 8-point relay / transistor output
  • Market price: $ 171.6
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VH-8Y VIGOR PLC, 8-point relay / transistor output


Product specification is complete, 10 points, 14 points, 20 points, 24 points, 32 points, 40 points, 60 points PLC,

There PLC Expansion Unit, can rest assured that customer needs to buy.

? Control Points: 10 points -128 points 
with error display ? 
? Large program capacity: 4K Steps 
? use Flash ROM memory, no batteries, maintenance-free design 
? have the program password protection, intellectual property rights are fully protected 
? command is complete, includes arithmetic instructions and more contacts 
with ? and high-speed counter interrupt input function 
? host has 10,14,20,24,28,32,40,60 point, a variety of models 
featured communication ? 
     1, built-in RS-232 interface can be connected to the computer, and interpersonal interface MODEM 
     2, provides RS-232 and RS-485 communication interface, can be expanded to 3 ports 
     3, can form a regional network of monitoring systems, man-machine interface can be connected to the brand 
? small compact design, only 94mm 32-point host (W) × 90mm (H) × 85mm (D) 
? to provide programming for Windows software Ladder Master

VH-10MR DC24V power input, 6 points DC24V inputs, 4 relay outputs 
VH-14MR DC24V power input, 8 points DC24V input, 6 relay outputs 
VH-20MR AC power input, 12 DC24V inputs, 8 relay output, the output provides 420mA DC24V 
power input AC VH-24MR, 14:00 DC24V input, 10 points relay output provides 420mA DC24V output 
VH-28MR AC power input, 16 points DC24V inputs, 12 relay outputs, providing 420mA DC24V output 
VH-32MR AC power input, 16 points DC24V inputs, 16 relay outputs provide output DC24V 420mA 
VH-40MR AC power input, 24 points DC24V inputs, 16 relay outputs provide DC24V 420mA output 
AC power input VH-60MR , 36 DC24V inputs, 24 relay output provides 420mA DC24V output

VH-8Y VIGOR PLC, 8-point relay / transistor output


Product specification is complete, 10 points, 14 points, 20 points, 24 points, 32 points, 40 points, 60 points PLC,

There PLC Expansion Unit, can rest assured that customer needs to buy.

? Control Points: 10 points -128 points 
with error display ? 
? Large program capacity: 4K Steps 
? use Flash ROM memory, no batteries, maintenance-free design 
? have the program password protection, intellectual property rights are fully protected 
? command is complete, includes arithmetic instructions and more contacts 
with ? and high-speed counter interrupt input function 
? host has 10,14,20,24,28,32,40,60 point, a variety of models 
featured communication ? 
     1, built-in RS-232 interface can be connected to the computer, and interpersonal interface MODEM 
     2, provides RS-232 and RS-485 communication interface, can be expanded to 3 ports 
     3, can form a regional network of monitoring systems, man-machine interface can be connected to the brand 
? small compact design, only 94mm 32-point host (W) × 90mm (H) × 85mm (D) 
? to provide programming for Windows software Ladder Master

VH-10MR DC24V power input, 6 points DC24V inputs, 4 relay outputs 
VH-14MR DC24V power input, 8 points DC24V input, 6 relay outputs 
VH-20MR AC power input, 12 DC24V inputs, 8 relay output, the output provides 420mA DC24V 
power input AC VH-24MR, 14:00 DC24V input, 10 points relay output provides 420mA DC24V output 
VH-28MR AC power input, 16 points DC24V inputs, 12 relay outputs, providing 420mA DC24V output 
VH-32MR AC power input, 16 points DC24V inputs, 16 relay outputs provide output DC24V 420mA 
VH-40MR AC power input, 24 points DC24V inputs, 16 relay outputs provide DC24V 420mA output 
AC power input VH-60MR , 36 DC24V inputs, 24 relay output provides 420mA DC24V output


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