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FX1N-485-BD Mit PLC RS-485 Communication Board Module New


FX1N-485-BD Mit PLC  RS-485 Communication Board Module New
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FX1N-485-BD Mit PLC  RS-485 Communication Board Module New




The RS-485 communication board FX1N-485-BD (hereafter referred to as "485BD") is connected to theFX1S/FX1NSeries PLC basic unit, and available for the applications described below.

Only one function expansion board can be connected to one PLC basic unit. Accordingly, the 485BD cannot be used together with the FX1N-422-BD or the FX1N-232-BD


1) No protocol communication.

The 485BD transfers the data using the RS instruction between a bar code reader, personal computer or printer.

As the 485BD is not equipped with buffer memory, it sends and receives the data using data registers specified by the RS instruction.

For the RS instruction and the communication setting, refer to the FX Series User's Manual – Data Communication Edition.

2) Computer link by dedicated protocol.

The 485BD transfers the data when a personal computer directly specifies devices of the PLC.

For the dedicated protocol and the communication setting, refer to the FX Series User's Manual – Data Communication Edition.

3) Parallel link.

The 485BD transfers automatically auxiliary relays and data registers when two FX1SSeries PLC’s or two FX1NSeries PLC’s are connected on a one-to-one basis.

For the setting procedure and program examples, refer to the FX Series User's Manual - Data Communication Edition.

4) N:N network.

The 485BD transfers automatically up to 64 auxiliary relays and 8 data registers when up to eight FX1S/ FX1NSeries PLC units are connected. For the setting procedure and program examples, refer to the FX Series User's Manual - Data Communication Edition.


Environmental specifications

The environmental specifications are equivalent to those of the PLC main unit. (Refer to the manual of the PLC main unit.)

Power supply specifications

5V DC, 60 mA is supplied as the power from the PLC.

Performance specifications

Transmission standard

In conformance to RS-485 and RS-422

Maximum transmission


50m (164ft) maximum

Communication type

No protocol communication, Computer link (dedicated protocol), parallel link, N:N network

Communication method

Half duplex, bi-directional



No protocol communication, Computer link (dedicated protocol 1, dedicated protocol 4), parallel link, N:N network

Transmission speed

(baud rate)

No protocol communication, Computer link (dedicated protocol): 300 to 19200 bps

Parallel link: 19200(bps)

N:N network: 38400(bps)





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