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AFPG3467 Panasonic32 DC input points 32 Transistor output pointsFP? expansion unit Original New


AFPG3467 Panasonic32 DC input points 32 Transistor output pointsFP? expansion unit Original New
  • Market price: $ 716.1
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AFPG3467 Panasonic 32 DC input points 32 Transistor output pointsFPΣ expansion unit Original New


Supports high-speed, positioning! Comes standard with pulse output function of maximum 100 kHz.

Linear and circular interpolation 2 Axis motion control.

Program capacity of 32K steps

RISC processor with 0.32 micro second processing speed per instruction

4 different communication cassettes. You can add up to two more ports without increasing the size of the CPU unit.

Contains convenient instructions and functions for temperature control. A control unit that supports thermistor input is also available.

High-level Temperature Control at Low Cost Two built-in thermistors input channels provide high-level temperature control. Thermistors can be connected directly, eliminating the need for an additional unit. The FPΣ can control heaters via PWM outputs controlled by the built-in PID/Auto-Tuning.

Modbus RTU Master/Slave communication

50 Micro second interrupt throughput

Up to 3 serial ports operating at speeds up to 115.2K baud rate.

Expansion I/O units for FPΣ

Product name


Part No.

Product No.

FPΣ 64-points

expansion I/O unit

Input 32 points DC, Transistor output 32 points

Max. possible expansion is with a total of 4 units to the left side of the FPΣ

control units





AFPG3467 Panasonic 32 DC input points 32 Transistor output pointsFPΣ expansion unit Original New


Supports high-speed, positioning! Comes standard with pulse output function of maximum 100 kHz.

Linear and circular interpolation 2 Axis motion control.

Program capacity of 32K steps

RISC processor with 0.32 micro second processing speed per instruction

4 different communication cassettes. You can add up to two more ports without increasing the size of the CPU unit.

Contains convenient instructions and functions for temperature control. A control unit that supports thermistor input is also available.

High-level Temperature Control at Low Cost Two built-in thermistors input channels provide high-level temperature control. Thermistors can be connected directly, eliminating the need for an additional unit. The FPΣ can control heaters via PWM outputs controlled by the built-in PID/Auto-Tuning.

Modbus RTU Master/Slave communication

50 Micro second interrupt throughput

Up to 3 serial ports operating at speeds up to 115.2K baud rate.

Expansion I/O units for FPΣ

Product name


Part No.

Product No.

FPΣ 64-points

expansion I/O unit

Input 32 points DC, Transistor output 32 points

Max. possible expansion is with a total of 4 units to the left side of the FPΣ

control units






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