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FX1N-1DA-BD Mit PLC 1 AO Expansion Module New


FX1N-1DA-BD Mit PLC 1 AO Expansion  Module New
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FX1N-1DA-BD Mit PLC 1 AO Expansion  Module New


The FX1N-1DA-BD analog output expansion board (hereafter called “1DA” or “expansion board”) is to be installed in an FX1S or FX1N series PLC, to increase the analog output by 1 point.

Features of 1DA

1) Analog output of 1 point can be increased using 1DA. If a 1DA is used, internal mounting in the top ofthe PLC means there is no need for a change to the installation area of the PLC.

2) Voltage output (0 ~ 10V) or current output (4 ~ 20mA) for digital to analog conversion can be set by switching a dedicated special auxiliary relay.

Moreover, the digital value for conversion is stored in a dedicated special data register, as shown in the table below. However, the digital to analog conversion characteristics cannot be adjusted.

Performance Specifications



Voltage output

Current output

Range of analog output

DC 0 ~ 10V (External load resistance 2k ~ 1M ohm)

DC 4 ~ 20mA  (External load resistance 500 ohm or less)

Digital output

12bit binary


2.5mV (10V /4000)

8uA {(20mA - 4mA) /2000}

Integrated accuracy

+-1% Against the full scale(0 ~ 10V: ±0.1V)

+-1% Against the full scale(4 ~ 20mA: +-0.16mA)

D/A conversion time

1 scan time (Analog to digital conversion is executed at the END instruction).

Occupied point

0 points (1DA is not subject to the standard maximum number of control points in the host PLC, as it operates via a data register).

Note: 1) When external load resistance is 2kohm, the overall accuracy of voltage output is adjusted “+-1%” If external load becomes larger than 2k ohm, the output voltage will increase slightly. When the load is 1M ohm, the output voltage becomes about 3% higher than the correct value.

2) When using current output, be sure to have an external load resistance of 500? or less. If the load is greater than 500ohm, the output current will be lower than the correct value.





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