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Motion Control System
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Low Voltage


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Product Description:








User Memory

5K steps

10K steps

20K steps

30K steps

60K steps

I/O Bits

2,560 bits


Overhead Processing Time

Normal Mode:


CJ2M-CPU3[]: 270 μs *


CJ2M-CPU1[]: 160 μs *


* The following time must be added when using EtherNet/IP tag data links for the CJ2M-CPU3[].


100 μs + (Number of words transferred × 1.8 μs)


The following time must be added when using Pulse I/O Modules with a CJ2M CPU Unit:


10 μs × Number of Pulse I/O Modules


Execution Time

Basic Instructions : 0.04 μs min.


Special Instructions : 0.06 μs min.



I/O Interrupts and External Interrupts

Interrupt task startup time : 31 μs


Return time to cyclic task : 10 μs


Scheduled Interrupts

Minimum time interval : 0.4 ms (set in 0.1 ms increments)


Interrupt task startup time : 30 μs


Return time to cyclic task : 11 μs

Maximum Number of Connectable Units

Total per CPU Rack or Expansion Rack: 10 Units max.;

Total per PLC: 40 Units max.


Basic I/O Units

No limit

However, a maximum of two CJ1W-INT01 Interrupt Input Units can be mounted.

Special I/O Units

Units for up to 96 unit numbers can be mounted. (Unit numbers run from 0 to 95. Units are allocated between 1 and 8 unit numbers.)

CPU Bus Units

CJ2M-CPU3[]: 15 Units max.

CJ2M-CPU1[]: 16 Units max.

Pulse I/O Modules

2 Units max. *

* Supported only by CJ2M CPU Units with unit version 2.0 or later. A Pulse I/O Module must be mounted.

Slots for which interrupts can be used

Slots 0 to 4 on CPU Rack

Maximum Number of Expansion Racks

3 max.

CIO Area

I/O Area

2,560 bits (160 words) : Words CIO 0000 to CIO 0159

Link Area

3,200 bits (200 words) : Words CIO 1000 to CIO 1199

CPU Bus Unit Area

6,400 bits (400 words) : Words CIO 1500 to CIO 1899

Special I/O Unit Area

15,360 bits (960 words) : Words CIO 2000 to CIO 2959

Pulse I/O Area

20 inputs, 12 outputs (CIO 2960 to CIO 2963)

Serial PLC Link Words

1,440 bits (90 words) : Words CIO 3100 to CIO 3189

DeviceNet Area

9,600 bits (600 words) : Words CIO 3200 to CIO 3799

Internal I/O Area

3,200 bits (200 words) : Words CIO 1300 to CIO 1499 (Cannot be used for external I/O.)

37,504 bits (2,344 words): Words CIO 3800 to CIO 6143 (Cannot be used for external I/O.)

Work Area

8,192 bits (512 words): Words W000 to W511 (Cannot be used for external I/O.)

Holding Area

8,192 bits (512 words): Words H000 to H511

Bits in this area maintain their ON/OFF status when PLC is turned OFF or operating mode is changed.

Words H512 to H1535: These words can be used only for function blocks. They can be used only for function block instances (i.e., they are allocated only for internal variables in function blocks).

Auxiliary Area

Read-only: 31,744 bits (1,984 words)

7,168 bits (448 words): Words A0 to A447

24,576 bits (1,536 words): Words A10000 to A11535 *

Read/write: 16,384 bits (1,024 words) in words A448 to A1471 *

* A960 to A1471 and A10000 to A11535 cannot be accessed by CPU Bus Units, Special I/O Units, PTs, and Support Software that do not specifically support the CJ2 CPU Units.

Temporary Area

16 bits: TR0 to TR15

Timer Area

4,096 timer numbers (T0000 to T4095 (separate from counters))

Counter Area

4,096 counter numbers (C0000 to C4095 (separate from timers))



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