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CPM2A-40CDR-A PLC New in box


CPM2A-40CDR-A PLC New in box
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CPM2A-40CDR-A Omron PLC New in box


Product Description?

Functions as a slave for Device Net.

Equipped with 32 input points and 32 output points for I/O exchange with the master.

International standards: UL, CSA, CE.




CPU Units with 20 I/O points

CPU Units with 30 I/O points

CPU Units with 40 I/O points

CPU Units with 60 I/O points

Supply voltagepp y g

AC power

100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz

DC power

24 VDC

Operating voltagep g g range

AC power

85 to 264 VAC

DC power

20.4 to 26.4 VDC

Power consumptionp

AC power

60 VA max.

DC power

20 W max. (See separate table following this one for details.)

Inrush current

AC power

60 A max.

DC power

20 A max.

External power supply (AC power supplies (AC power supplies only)

Supply voltage

24 VDC

Output capacity

300 mA (See notes 1, 2, 3.)

Insulation resistance


20 M? min. (at 500 VDC) between the external AC terminals and protective earth terminals

Dielectric strength


2,300 VAC 50/60 Hz for 1 min between the external AC and protective earth termi­nals, leakage current: 10 mA max.

Noise immunity


Conforms to IEC61000-4-4, 2 kV (power lines)

Vibration resistance


10 to 57 Hz, 0.075-mm amplitude, 57 to 150 Hz, acceleration: 9.8 m/s2 in X, Y, and Z directions for 80 minutes each (Time coefficient; 8 minutes × coefficient factor 10 = total time 80 minutes)

Shock resistance


147 m/s2 three times each in X, Y, and Z directions

Ambient temperature


Operating: 0° to 55°C Storage: –20° to 75°C



10% to 90% (with no condensation)



Must be free from corrosive gas

Terminal screw size



Power interrupt time


AC power supply: 10 ms min. DC power supply: 2 ms min.

CPU Unit weightg

AC power

650 g max.

700 g max.

800 g max.

1,000 g max.

DC power

550 g max.

600 g max.

700 g max.

900 g max.


1. Use the external power supply as the power supply for input devices only. (It cannot be used as to drive output devices.)

2. If the external power supply current exceeds the rated current, or there is a short-circuit, the external power supply voltage will drop and PC operation will stop.

3. If there are 3 CPM1A-MAD11 Units mounted to a CPM2A-60CDR-A, the current for the external power supply must not exceed 200 mA.  


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