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1746-BTM AB Allen-Bradley PLC Barrel Temperature Control Module 1746 Series Original brand new


1746-BTM AB Allen-Bradley PLC Barrel Temperature Control Module 1746 Series Original brand new
  • Market price: $ 4653.0
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1746-BTM AB PLC Barrel Temperature Control Module 1746 Series Original brand new

Specialty I/O Modules
1746 Process Control I/O Modules

1746 Process Control I/O modules do not require external power.16-bit resolution or 15-bits plus sign bit.Data format is 16-bit signed integer (natural binary).

Cat. No.

Number of Inputs/ Outputs

Analog Inputs

Analog Outputs


Backplane Current Load

I/O Connection Hardware

Barrel Temperature Control Module

4 temperature inputs 
(for 4 PID heat/cool loops)

Thermocouple, or ±50mV, or ±100mV



110 mA at 5V DC
85 mA at 24V DC


Description — The barrel temperature control module is an intelligent I/O module that can accommodate 4 heat/cool PID loops for temperature control applications. The module has 4 analog inputs, each of which functions as the controlled variable (C) input for a PID loop. The PID algorithm is performed on the module for each of the loops. The manipulated variable (M) output of each loop is sent from the module to the SLC processor’s data table as both a numeric value and as a time-proportioned output (TPO) signal. Your ladder logic can send either the M numeric value to an analog output module, or the TPO signal to a digital output module to close the loop. For very fast cut-off, your ladder logic can use the TPO signal transferred to the input image. The module provides auto-tuning of PID loops (optimized for tuning barrel temperature control loops), self-calibration (external reference required) self-diagnostics, and detection of input open-circuit (including thermocouple break).

This module is compatible only with an SLC 5/02, SLC 5/03, SLC 5/04, or SLC 5/05 processor in a local I/O chassis.



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