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TM2ALM3LT M238 PLC Module 2AI New


TM2ALM3LT  M238 PLC Module 2AI New
  • Market price: $ 511.5
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TM2ALM3LT M238 PLC Module 2AI New



Range of product

Modicon M238 logic controller 

Product or component type

Input/output analog module 

Analogue input number

Analogue input type

Temperature probe - 100...500 °C : 3-wire Pt probe , non differential 
Thermocouple 0...1200 °C thermocouple J , non differential 
Thermocouple 0...1300 °C thermocouple K , non differential 
Thermocouple 0...400 °C thermocouple T , non differential 

Analogue output number

Analogue output type

Current 4...20 mA 
Voltage 0...10 V 

Cross talk

<= 2 LSB 


Range compatibility

Advantys OTB 

Input level

Low level 

Analogue input resolution

12 bits 

Analogue output resolution

12 bits 

LSB value

0.15 °C , temperature probe 
0.1 °C , thermocouple 
2.5 mV , voltage 
4.8 µA , current 

Input impedance

≥ 1 MOhm 

Load type


Load impedance ohmic

≤ 300 Ohm (current) 
≥ 2000 Ohm (voltage) 

Stabilisation time

20 ms 

Conversion time

20 ms + 1 controller cycle time 

Sampling duration

≤ 20 ms , temperature probe 
≤ 60 ms , thermocouple 

Acquisition period

60 ms per channel + 1 controller cycle time , thermocouple 
80 ms per channel + 1 controller cycle time , temperature probe 

Measurement error

0.2 % of full scale +/- 4 °C , 0...1200 °C thermocouple J  25 °C 
0.2 % of full scale +/- 4 °C , 0...1300 °C thermocouple K  25 °C 
0.2 % of full scale +/- 4 °C , 0...400 °C thermocouple T  25 °C 
+/- 0.2 % of full scale , - 100...500 °C , 3-wire Pt probe  25 °C 
+/- 0.2 % of full scale , 0...10 V  25 °C 
+/- 0.2 % of full scale , 4...20 mA  25 °C 

Temperature coefficient

+/-0.006 %FS/°C , 0...1200 °C thermocouple J 
+/-0.006 %FS/°C , 0...1300 °C thermocouple K 
+/-0.006 %FS/°C , 0...400 °C thermocouple T 
+/-0.006 %FS/°C , - 100...500 °C 3-wire Pt probe 
+/-0.015 %FS/°C , 0...10 V 
+/-0.015 %FS/°C , 4...20 mA 

Repeat accuracy

+/-0.5 %FS  input/output 


+/- 0.2 %FS , thermocouple 
+/- 0.2 %FS , temperature probe 
+/- 0.2 %FS , voltage 
+/- 0.2 %FS , current 

Output error

+/- 1 %FS 

Output ripple

<= 1 LSB 

Total error

+/-1 %FS , thermocouple 
+/-1 %FS , temperature probe 
+/-1 %FS , voltage 
+/-1 %FS , current 

Type of cable

Shielded cable 

Insulation between channel and internal logic



External supply 

[Us] rated supply voltage

24 V DC 

Supply voltage limits

19,2...30 V 

Electrical connection

1 removable screw terminal block 

Current consumption

50 mA 5 V DC (internal) 
50 mA 24 V DC (external) 

Product weight

0,085 kg 


Dielectric strength

500 V between I/O channel 
500 V between the I/O and internal logic 
500 V between the I/O and the external supply circuit 

RoHS EUR conformity date


RoHS EUR status




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