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Digital oscilloscope DS1204B


Digital oscilloscope DS1204B
  • Market price: $ 8233.5
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Digital oscilloscope DS1204B

DS1000B series of dual / quad plus an external trigger input channel digital oscilloscope, which can capture multiple signals to meet industrial application requirements. DS1000B series powerful triggering and analysis capabilities make it easy to capture and analyze waveforms. Clear LCD display and math functions, faster and more user-friendly to clearly observe and analyze signals.

Features and Benefits
1 provides four analog channels, the maximum 200 MHz bandwidth, 2 GSa / s real time sampling rate, 50 GSa / s equivalent sample rate
2. 5.7 inches QVGA (320 × 240), 64 K color TFT color LCD screen, LED backlight technology, vivid color, lower power consumption, longer life
3. Compliant with the LXI Class C instruments Alliance standard, fast, economical and efficient to create and reconfigure the test system
4 has a wealth of trigger modes: Edge, Video, pulse width, pattern, alternating trigger
5 unique adjustable trigger sensitivity for the needs of different occasions
6. 22 kinds of automatic measurement of waveform parameters, with automatic cursor measurements
7 unique waveform recording and playback
8 Fine delayed scanning
9 Built-in FFT function, digital filter with practical
10.Pass/Fail detection
11 multi-waveform math functions
12 provides a powerful PC application software UltraScope
13 Standard configuration interface: USB Device, dual USB Host, LAN, support U disk storage, and PictBridge printing standards
14 Remote command control-in help system to learn and apply to become easy








200 MHz

100 MHz

60 MHz

Analog channel



Real-time sampling rate


2 GSa/s(Half channel *)

 1 GSa/s(Per channel)


Equivalent Sample Rate


50 GSa/s

25 GSa/s

10 GSa/s

Memory Depth


16 kpts(Half channel )

 8 kpts?Per channel?

Standard Interface


USB Host (2) & Device, LAN

Optional Interface


USB-GPIB  Adapter


Product category


Desktop Digital Oscilloscope


Note: "half channel" for CH1 / CH2 only choose one, or CH3 / CH4 only pick one


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