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ACS550-01-059A-4 ABB Vector Control Inverter 30kw


ACS550-01-059A-4 ABB Vector Control Inverter 30kw
  • Market price: $ 7002.6
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ACS550-01-059A-4 ABB Vector Control Inverter 30kw

Standard transmission, ACS550-01
Wall-mounted unit

ABB The standard transmission, purchase, installation, configuration and use is very simple and can save you a lot of time. You can dealers around the ABB drive products and services. This standard drive with a fieldbus interface for most of the occasions for the selection, commissioning and maintenance of public software, and common spare parts.

ABB standard drives can be used in many industrial applications. Typical applications include pumps, fans, and constant torque applications, such as conveyors. The ABB standard drive is an ideal choice in the quick installation, commissioning and use and no special engineering requirements occasion.

Power range:
0.75 kW to 75 kW
0.75 kW to 160 kW

Power supply voltage:
Three, 208 V to 240 V +10% / -15%
Three, 380 V to 480 V +10% / -15%

FlashDrop tool:
- Assistant control panel
- Patented technology used to reduce harmonics: variable inductive reactance
- Vector control
- Specifically designed for harsh environments, coated sheet
- Built-C2 EMC filter (environment) as standard
- Built-in Modbus and a variety of internal bus adapter installed
- UL, cUL, CE, C-Tick and GOST R certification
- RoHS certification


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