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LX2N-40MT-A WECON PLC 100-240VAC 24 point 24V transistor 16 point 1 COM Original brand new


LX2N-40MT-A WECON PLC 100-240VAC 24 point 24V transistor 16 point 1 COM Original brand new
  • Market price: $ 544.5
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LX2N-40MT-A WECON PLC 100-240VAC 24 point 24V transistor 16 point 1 COM Original brand new


Power specifications

Rated voltage


Allowed limits


Rated frequency



output power 50w

Allowed instantoutage time

Instant outage time less than 10 ms,can continue to work

power fuse

250V 1A

Impulse current

Maximum 15A 5ms below/AC 100V,Maximum 5ms below/AC200V

Power consumption

less than 20W

Sensor power

output power:DC24V  400mA

General Specifications

Environment temperature

0 ~ 55 0C

Storage temperature

-20 ~ 700C

Relative humidity

35-85%RH(Non-condensate )

Seismic resistance(DIN rails)

Meet JIS C 0040 standards, 10-57HZ 0.035MM X,Y,Z three direction 10 times each(total 80 minute each)

Meet JIS C 0040 standards, 57-150HZ 4.9M/S2 X,Y,Z three direction,10 times each,(total 80 minute each)

Seismic resistance(install directly)


Meet JIS C 0040 standards, 10-57HZ 0.035MM X.Y.Z three direction ,10 times each(total 80 minute each) Meet JIS C 0040 standards, 57-150HZ 4.9M/S2 X.Y.Z three direction,10 times each( total 80 minute each)

Impact Resistance

Meet JIS C 0040 standard(147m/S2 action time, 11ms half-sine shock pulse,in X,Y,Z three direction,3 times each) 

Noise resistance

Noise voltage 1,000VP-P noise amplitude 1ns 1 frequency 30 ~ 100HZ noise simulation experiment

Withstand Voltage

AC1500V(1 minute),meet JEM-1021 standards,between power port and earth terminal.

 Insulation resistance

DC500V insulation tester test above 5MΩ, meet JEM-1021 standards,between power port and earth terminal.

Earth connection

The third kind of earth connection(do not share one place with high voltage system) *1

Operating environment

Close corrosive,combustible gas, No large electrical conductivity dust


Program storage: 256K
Storage for powerdown mode: 16K


COM1:RS422(programming interface,HMI common interface)
COM2:RS485,support modbus,HMI,inverter and others device communication(optional)
CAN:use board panel to extend(optional)

Extension module

support to extend

High-speed counting

Single-phase:2-path,up to 200KHZ
AB phase mode:support 1-path AB phase

Software counts

Counter characteristics:2-path 100k,4-path 10k,total pulse 200Khz
Working mode:support 2-path AB phase

High-speed pulse output

Support 2-path,up to 200khz,support PWM,support trapezoid
accelerate and decelerate

Software functions

Interrupt: counter interrupt/native machine IO interrupt/timer interrupt;
IO reflash mode: support END commands/support input output real-time refresh commands/pulse capture;
Programming mode: relay symbol mode+Step ladder diagram(SFC),support interrupt mode;
Real-time clock: bulit-in battery,support long-acting real-time clock running;
Power save: flash permanent preservation,above ten years;
User trapezoid diagram capacity:16K;

Arithmetic speed

Basic command:0.1 μs/command
Integer operation:14 μs/command

Instruction specifications

Shell color


Shell Material

ABS Plastic

Shape Size


Package size


Net weight


Wet weight




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