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KV-24DT KEYENCE Programmable controller NEW


KV-24DT KEYENCE Programmable controller NEW
  • Market price: $ 1320.0
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KV-24DT KEYENCE Programmable controller NEW

Product Description:

The Compact PLCs

• the Compact PLC with an the AC power supply built-in

• Easy-to-use the Access the Window

• the Compact operator interface the panel available

• the Fast processing with 10-μs, the interrupt and 30-kHz, high-speed counters

• User-friendly Windows ® ladder was software and


Ambient temperature:

0 to 50 ° C 32 to 122 ° F, 0 to 45 ° C to 32 to 113 ° F (KV-P3E)

The Relative humidity: 35 to 85%

Ambient storage temperature: -20 to +70 ° C, -4.0 to +158 ° F

Withstand voltage:

1500 VAC for 1 minute (Between power terminal and I / O terminals, and between external terminals and housing)

Noise immunity:

1500 Vp-p min, pulse width: 1 μs, 50 ns (by noise simulator,)

Conforming to EN standard (EN61000-4-2/-3/-4/-6)


150 m/s2 (15 G), working time: 11 ms, Shock in X, Y and Z directions, 2 times respectively


10 to 55 Hz, 1.5 mm 0.06 "max. Double amplitude in X, Y and Z directions, 2 hours respectively (1 G max. When attached to DIN rail)

Insulation resistance:

50 MΩ min (Between power terminal and I / O 10 6.3.

and between external terminals and housing, measured

with 500 VDC megohmmeter)

The Environmental restrictions:

No excessive dust or corrosive gases


KV-10AR: Approx. 250 g, KV-10AT (P): Approx. 240 g

KV-16AR: Approx. 300 g, KV-16AT (P): Approx. 280 g

KV-24AR: Approx. 350 g, KV-24AT (P): Approx. 330 g

KV-40AR: Approx. 450 g, KV-40AT (P): Approx. 410 g

KV-10DR: Approx. 150 g, KV-10DT (P): Approx. 140 g

KV-16DR: Approx. 190 g, KV-16DT (P): Approx. 180 g

KV-24DR: Approx. 240 g, KV-24DT (P): Approx. 210 g

KV-40DR: Approx. 330 g, KV-40DT (P): Approx. 280 g


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