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KV-C16XC KEYENCE Programmable controller NEW


KV-C16XC KEYENCE Programmable controller NEW
  • Market price: $ 1237.5
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KV-C16XC KEYENCE Programmable controller NEW

Product Description:

Efficient Desktop Debugging

"Ladder Builder for KV" ensures fast, easy programming and efficient desktop debugging.

Simulator for Quick Debugging Without a PLC

KV Ladder Builder can simulate program execution even without a PLC connected. Debugging efficiency is enhanced by providing a single step execution (forward and reverse) in addition to a regular scan execution function.

1. Forward/Reverse Single Step Execution

Checking the operation process one step at a time can easily identify complex operation problems.

2. Monitor All Function

Timers, counters and data memories can be checked simultaneously in multiple windows. For effective debugging, you can check all devices at once, even those that don't appear in the ladder diagram.

3. Registration Monitor

The Ladder Builder simultaneously displays multiple timing charts of any devices, conveniently allowing allon/off timing elements to be checked.

4. Ladder Simulator Allows Verification of Diagram Execution

By clicking an element in the ladder diagram, the simulator quick screen appears allowing the elements to set or reset.


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