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FX0N-3A Mitsubishi FX PLC SPECIAL FUNCTION BLOCK Original Brand New


FX0N-3A Mitsubishi FX PLC SPECIAL FUNCTION BLOCK Original Brand New
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FX0N-3A Mitsubishi FX PLC SPECIAL FUNCTION BLOCK Original Brand New



1, The FX0N-3A analog special function block has two input channels and one outputchannel. The input channels receive analog signals and convert them into a digital value.

This is called an A/D conversion. The output channel takes a digital value and outputs an equivalent analog signal. This is called a D/A conversion. The FX0N-3A has amaximum resolution of 8 bits.

2, The selection of voltage or current based input/output is by user wiring. Analog rangesof 0 to 10V DC (resolution:40mV), 0 to 5V (resolution:20mV) and/or 4 to 20mA

(resolution:64µA) may be selected.

3, All data transfers and parameter setups are adjusted through software control of the FX0N-3A; by use of the TO/FROM applied instructions in the FX0NPC. Communications between the FX0NPC and FX0N-3A are protected by op to-coupler.

4, The FX0N-3A occupies 8 points of I/O on the FX0N’s expansion bus. The 8 points canbe allocated from either inputs or outputs.

Performance specifications


Voltage input

Current input

Analog input range

At shipment, the 0-250 range is selected for the 0-10V DC input.Readjustment for either 0-5V DC input or 4-20mA input will be required.

DC 0-10V, 0-5V, input resistance 200k?. Warning: this unit may be

damaged by input voltages in excessof -0.5, +15V.

4-20mA, input resistance 250?.Warning: this unit may be damaged by input currents in excess of -2mA, +60mA

Digital resolution

8 bits

Smallest input signal resolution

0-10V input: 40mV(10V/250steps)

0-5V input: 20mV(5V/250steps)

4-20mA input: 64µA


Overall accuracy

+/- 1%(full scale)

Processing time

(TO command processing time ?2) + FROM command processing time 

A/D conversion time

100 us



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