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1756-L62S AB Allen-Bradley PLC GuardLogix controller Ethernet 1756 Series Original brand new


1756-L62S AB Allen-Bradley PLC GuardLogix controller Ethernet 1756 Series Original brand new
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1756-L62S AB PLC GuardLogix controller Ethernet 1756 Series Original brand new

GuardLogix Integrated Safety System Overview

A GuardLogix controller is a full-function Logix processor that also provides safety control. The GuardLogix system is a dual processor solution that uses a primary controller and a safety partner to achieve SIL 3, PLe. A major benefit of this system is that it is a single project, with safety and standard control together. The GuardLogix system is a 1oo2 safety architecture that provides unmatched safety and ease of use.
Just like other Logix processors during development, safety and standard have the same rules. Online editing, forcing, even multiple users are all allowed. Once the project is tested and ready for final validation, you set the Safety Task to a SIL 3 integrity level, which is then enforced by the GuardLogix controller. When safety memory is locked and protected, the safety logic cannot be modified. On the standard side of the GuardLogix controller, all functions operate like a regular Logix controller, motion, drive, sequential, even process. Thus, online editing, forcing, and other activities are all allowed, while safety is securely isolated.
With this level of integration, safety memory can be read by standard logic and external devices, such as HMIs or other controllers, eliminating the need to condition safety memory for use elsewhere. The result is easy, system-wide integration and the ability to display safety status on displays or marquees. Use Guard I/O modules for field device connectivity on Ethernet or DeviceNet networks. For safety interlocking between GuardLogix controllers, use Ethernet or ControlNet networks. Multiple GuardLogix controllers can share safety data for zone-to-zone interlocking, or a single GuardLogix controller can use remote distributed safety I/O between different cells/areas.
In addition to the standard features of a Logix controller, GuardLogix controllers have these safety-related features.


1756-L61S, 1756-L62S, 1756-L63S, 1756-LSP

1756-L71S, 1756-L72S, 1756-L73S, 1756-L7SP

1768-L43S, 1768-L45S

Communication options

Standard and safety
• EtherNet/IP
• ControlNet
• DeviceNet

• EtherNet/IP
• ControlNet
• DeviceNet

• EtherNet/IP
• ControlNet

Network connections, per network module

• 256 EtherNet/IP; 128 TCP (1756-EN2x)
• 128 EtherNet/IP; 64 TCP (1756-ENBT)
• 100 ControlNet (1756-CN2/A)
• 40 ControlNet (1756-CNB)

• 128 EtherNet/IP; 64 TCP (1768-ENBT)
• 48 ControlNet (1768-CNB)

Controller redundancy

Not supported

Programming languages

Standard control—all languages
Safety control—relay ladder



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