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1734-OB8 AB PLC 24DC 8 current sourcing POINT Digital DC Output Modules 1734 Series Original brand new


1734-OB8 AB PLC 24DC 8 current sourcing POINT Digital DC Output Modules 1734 Series Original brand new
  • Market price: $ 250.8
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1734-OB8 AB PLC 24DC 8 current sourcing POINT Digital DC Output Modules 1734 Series Original brand new

Digital I/O Modules
The 1734 digital I/O modules support:

A wide variety of voltage interface capabilities.Isolated and non-isolated module types.Point-level output fault states for short-circuit and wire-off diagnostics.Choice of direct-connect or rack-optimized communications.Field-side diagnostics on select modules.Safety applications up to and including SIL 3, Cat. 4, PL(e), when using 1734-IB8S or 1734-OB8S with a GuardLogix, SmartGuard 600, or GuardPLC controller.

POINT Digital DC Output Modules
Catalog numbers ending with "E" are electronically protected. Catalog numbers ending with "S" are safety-rated. The 1734-OB2EP module has 24V DC electronically protected, fast-switching high-current outputs.

Cat. No.


Voltage Category

Output Current Rating, Max.

PointBus Current (mA)

Power Dissipation, Max.

Terminal Base Unit


2 current sourcing

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

2.0 A per module, 1.0 A per channel

75 mA

0.8 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB or 1734-TBS


2 current sourcing, electronically protected

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

2.0 A per module, 1.0 A per channel

75 mA

0.8 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB or 1734-TBS


2 current sourcing, electronically protected, fast-switching high-current

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

4.0 A per module, 2.0 A per channel

75 mA

3.4 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB or 1734-TBS


4 current sourcing

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

3.0 A per module, 1.0 A per channel

75 mA

1.2 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB or 1734-TBS


4 current sourcing, electronically protected

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

3.0 A per module, 1.0 A per channel

75 mA

1.2 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB, 1734-TBS


8 current sourcing

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

3.0 A per module, 1.0 A per channel

75 mA

2.0 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB or 1734-TBS


8 current sourcing, electronically protected

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

3.0 A per module, 1.0 A per channel

75 mA

2.0 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB, 1734-TBS


8 current sourcing, safety-rated

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

1 A max per point

190 mA

3.02 W

1734-TB, 1734-TOP, 1734-TOP3


2 current sinking, electronically protected

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

2.0 A max per module, 1.0 A per output

75 mA

0.8 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB or 1734-TBS


4 current sinking, electronically protected

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

3.0 A max per module
1.0 A per output

75 mA

1.2 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB or 1734-TBS


8 current sinking, electronically protected

24V DC (10V DC…28.8V DC)

3.0 A per module, 1.0 A per channel

75 mA

2.0 W at 28.8V DC

1734-TB, 1734-TBS


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