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TD200 2-line Siemens Text Display New in box


TD200 2-line Siemens Text Display New in box
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TD200 2-line Siemens Text Display New in box

Siemens Text Display TD200 2-line
Product Description:
 The TD 200 is the proven HMI device for the SIMATIC S7-200. In addition to the display of alarm texts, it enables interventions in the control program (e.g., setpoint value changes) or the setting of inputs and outputs.

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Area of application
 The TD 200 is suitable for simple operating tasks with the SIMATIC S7-200 PLC; the focus is on the display of alarm texts. The low total height and device depth make it the unit of choice even in cramped space conditions
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 User-friendly with comfortable character size and a display backlight suitable for adverse lighting conditions 
Can be integrated into a PROFIBUS network
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Design and functions
 The TD 200 is simply connected to the PPI interface of the S7-200 via the supplied connection cable. A separate power supply is not necessary. It is also possible to connect multiple TDs to an S7-200. If the distance between TD 200 and S7-200 is greater than 2.5 m, an AC adapter for the power supply is required. Instead of the connection cable, PROFIBUS bus lines are then provided.
 The configuration data of the TD 200 is stored in the CPU of the S7-200. The alarm texts and configuration parameters are created with the programming software STEP 7-Micro/WIN V4. Additional parameterization software is not needed.
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Technical data
Display 2- line LC-Display (backlit)
Resolution 20 characters/line (Chinese 10 characters/line)
Control elements 8 programmable function keys
User memory depending on the S7-200 CPU 
Interfaces 1 x RS 485
Degree of protection IP 65 front if mounted,  IP 20 rear
Installation cutout 138 x 68 mm (W x H)
Front panel 148 x 76 mm (W x H)
Depth 27 mm
Configuration software STEP 7 Micro/Win V4



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