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VW3A3307 SCHNEIDER Inverter Communication Card Profibus DP


VW3A3307 SCHNEIDER Inverter Communication Card Profibus DP
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VW3A3307 SCHNEIDER Inverter Communication Card Profibus DP

Through the network to access all the features of the inverter:
Set up
When the inverter is equipped with a "Controller Inside" programmable card (built-in controller) via Modbus information processing services (through integrated communications port of ModBus TCP communication card) to access its variables (% MW).

Speed ??or torque command and a given value may come from a different source of control:
I / O Terminal
Communications network
(Built-in controller) of the "Controller Inside" programmable card
Remote graphic display terminal
According to application needs, use the advanced features of the Altivar 71 drive to manage the switching of the inverter control source.

The assignment of the communication I / O data through the following methods:
Network setup software (Sycon etc.)
Altivar 71 drive communication scanner function

Port Modbus and CANopen communication card, the control of the ATV 71 drive in accordance with the following configuration file:
Configuration file according to the CiA 402
Which this control and be controlled through the I / O terminals I / O configuration file apply.
DeviceNet card supports the ODVA AC inverter and Allen-Bradley inverter configuration file.

According to the specific standards for each protocol for communications surveillance. However, regardless of what kind of agreement can be set to the response of the drive communication failure occurs:
Freewheel stop, stop on ramp, fast stop or braked stop
Continue to the last received command
Returned to a position at a predetermined speed
Ignore failure

Command from the CANopen bus in dealing with the command from the input of the inverter terminal has the same priority. This makes it extremely fast response through the network port of the CANopen adapter.

Specific features:

Fipio standard card VW3A3311 with TSX FP CCpp extended cable or TSX FP CApp drop cables through the use of the TSX FP ACC 12 connector. This card should be used for new equipment. Can also be used to using an ATV 71
Inverter replacement of the ATV 58 or the ATV 58F drive with VW3 A58, 311 cards. To use the Altivar 71 drive replacement with The VW3 58 301 cards of the ATV 58 or ATV 58F inverter, you should use VW3A3301 Fipio replacement card.


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