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DTA9696R1 Delta Temperature Controller Input 100~240VAC output Relay SPDT with RS-485 New


DTA9696R1 Delta Temperature Controller Input 100~240VAC output Relay SPDT with RS-485 New
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DTA9696R1 Delta Temperature Controller Input 100~240VAC output Relay SPDT with RS-485 New


DTA series is designed for practical applications with 3 most-frequently adopted signal outputs in the industry and is built-in with various handy functions and transmission structure, ensuring fast and stable transmission of data.


PID / On-Off/ manual input control modes .

Auto-tuning PID parameters .

Various thermocouple (B, E, J, K, L, N, R, S, T, U, TXK) and platinum RTD (PT100, JPT100) can be set by parameters.

Built-in 2 groups of alarm switches with 13 alarm modes each .

Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature display.

2 key lock functions: (1. lock all keys; 2. lock only function key, up/down keys are still workable).

Panel size: 4848, 4896, 9648, 7272, 9696.

Optional RS-485 communication interface (Modbus ASCII, RTU, baud rate: 2,400 ~ 38,400) .

Optional CT (wire breaking detection) function, an alarm output .

Sampling time of sensor : 0.5 second/time.

Certifications: IP5X protection, CE, UL.

Input voltage 

100 ~ 240VAC, 50/60Hz


Display method

7-segment digit LED Display

Process value (PV): Red, Set point (SV): Green

Thermocouple: K, J, T, E, N, R, S, B, U, L, Txk

Sensor type

3-wire Platinum RTD: Pt100, JPt100

Copper resistor: Cu50

Control mode

PID, ON/OFF control or Manual tuning

Display accuracy

0.1% of measuring range

Sampling rate

500 msec/per scan

Ambient temperature

0 ~ 50 °C

Relative humidity

35% ~ 80% (non-condensing)



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